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Baby Sleep Miracle

Baby Sleep Miracle
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Baby Sleep Miracle was devised by Mary Ann Schuler, an experienced child psychologist and mother in conjunction with Harvard School of Medicine and Stanford Center for Sleep Science. The plan, based on their data, is recommended by physicians as nourishing and healthy for the wellbeing of both parents and children.
Every parent knows getting a baby to sleep regular hours is a prayed for miracle, especially if dealing with more than one child. Baby Sleep Miracle explains that sleep is a natural requirement but going to sleep is a learned habit, which each person must acquire individually. So the book focuses on proven tips and incentives to help a baby form his own pattern quickly, without stress.
A second miracle and huge bonus is that with this method the parents don’t feel the guilt that often comes from trying unsuccessfully to get a baby to sleep. And of course, the benefits to everyone of a good night’s sleep!
The tips and incentives which perform this miracle include the obvious; don’t get the child overtired or overstimulated, but also some lovely surprises. One is shared laughter. Just before bedtime it’s relaxing and conducive to sleep. The book continues on to deal with issues the child encounters as he grows into a toddler as well.
A real revelation is that babies adjust better to sleep with ‘white noise’ played. A special selection is included in Baby Sleep Miracle’s bonus package as well as the books Double Trouble Sleeping Struggle, for parents dealing with more than one child and Night Terror Stopper.
Click the link below for a full video presentation. You’ll be so glad you did!